Hello out there! Hi? Hello? Check, check! Is this thing on? Oh, ok, there we go! Hello, Ladies! Don't let my looks fool you. I am a professional (well, sort of) actor who would love to bring you into my world. You can be front row as I star in such off-Broadway hits as my writing/starring debut in "FAB-a-ret"(a really meaningful and in-depth look at the world of drag in Nazi Germany...shown here). We can play "papparazzi" while you chase me around your place or mine trying to get my picture. (Don't worry, I'll let you catch me, CLICK!)Best of all, being with me (because I'm an actor) is like getting to be with several different men. My
versatility and range will AMAZE you. You'll never be bored again, Babe.
So what are you waiting for? Call now.
PS Fellow artistes favored. No desperate screenwriters. My talent is not a whore.
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